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Job Productivity Tips for Co-Working Members

Jason Watson

Most workers are inundated with tasks, but being productive can sometimes be challenging. Finding ways to maximise your concentration is essential, especially when you’re in a co-working space and a lot is happening around you. Thankfully, balancing work and leisure isn’t impossible, and being in a co-working space can help you manage your productivity better. Here are our top five tips.

Create a schedule, set tasks, and know your goals

Developing a digital or handwritten schedule of to-dos, meetings, and time blocks helps you manage your time better. If you have heaps of tasks to do but no order in tackling them, creating a schedule to oversee and prioritise your tasks will help you avoid decision paralysis, multitasking, and stress. 

When you arrive at work, pick the critical tasks you want to complete for the day. It’s best to start with the hardest or biggest task while you have the most energy and then work your way down. Prioritising tasks will help you stay disciplined and motivated throughout the day or week. 

You should also be aware of your overall goals so that you can follow through with your tasks. These goals can be planned weekly, monthly, or yearly, but they will help keep you or your team on the same path towards success. If you set practical SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound), you and your team can break down larger objectives into smaller, more manageable tasks. These can be put into your daily work projects so you always know you are inching closer to success.

Remove all distractions to find your flow

While communal workspaces are great for team meetings, sometimes you need to remove all distractions and communication to get things done.

To stay focused, find a section of the workspace that minimises interruptions, such as a private office, a phone booth, or a quiet corner to escape the noise. A good, flexible co-working space should be designed to boost productivity, so there should be spots that promote concentration. If you want to stay in a community spot, try putting on your headphones to signal that you’re still there but trying to stay focused.

If you can limit distractions, you have a chance to enter a flow state, which is when you become fully engrossed in a task or activity. Limiting distractions can lead to heightened productivity and a deep sense of satisfaction, making your tasks more enjoyable.

If you find it hard to remove distractions, consider rewarding yourself after completing each task. A reward could be a small snack, drink, or a brief period of relaxation or fun. Knowing that you have a positive reward can motivate you to focus on your task and get it done quickly and correctly. As your tasks get ticked off, you’ll notice how much better you feel, and you’ll find that removing distractions significantly improves your productivity levels.

Keep your workplace clean

A clean desk leads to a clear mind. A cluttered workspace filled with food, cups, and papers can be much more stressful than a tidy table with just your computer and necessary items. With how much time we spend at our desks, it’s important to value our level of cleanliness. Keeping your space clean is doubly important if you are in a shared or flex desk space. 

You should pack away items you don’t need and throw away any trash—getting up from your desk is also good for your blood circulation. Keep documents or items you need to keep organised so they don’t clutter your immediate workspace. If you’re working at a flex desk in a collaborative workspace, you’ll need to pack up everything at the end of the day, so consider bringing fewer items to work to make this process easier.

Take breaks to clear your mind

No matter your job, it’s difficult for anyone to focus for hours. Scheduling short breaks to recharge your body or mind will make a significant difference. Move your body around for a short walk or a trip to the bathroom after finishing a task, grab a coffee with a coworker in between research projects, and eat a nutritious meal outside during lunch. These refreshments will create more energy, leading to higher productivity levels when back in the office. 

It is best to be present, chat with others, or stretch your legs on your breaks. Avoid excessive time on your phone because it only drains your mental battery and fatigues you. Constantly processing new information and stimuli on social media can overwhelm your brain, making it harder to relax and recharge during breaks. Instead, engage in activities that allow your mind to rest.

One effective technique for taking breaks is the “Pomodoro Technique.” This method involves working in focused 25-minute intervals followed by short breaks. It helps maintain concentration on a task, and knowing that a break is coming soon, it reduces burnout.

Communicate boundaries with others

One of the main benefits of co-working is that it can be lively and talkative, which is excellent for meetings, networking, and community events. However, feel free to inform your colleagues if you need focused work time. You can block out an hour on your calendar as unavailable for tasks or use noise-cancelling headphones to create a quieter environment. It’s essential to respect the work styles and preferences of those around you while finding your way to concentrate.

Supporting your flow

At Haven Workspaces, we are committed to helping all our members succeed and strive to provide the best-designed work environments for collaboration, focus, and productivity. We offer a variety of focus areas to aid your work and unique events and amenities to support your leisure. A co-working membership could be precisely what you need to enhance your productivity.

Explore our membership options here, and get in touch to learn more.